Issue: Slow (No) Progress
Answer: Move Cedaredge Forward
- Dispel Misinformation
- Disseminate Factual Information
- Complete Northridge Water Line Replacement
- Complete SE Deer Trail Ave Bridge Replacement
- Complete Sidewalk Replacements
- Hwy-65 Elementary School to Main St & Cedar to 5th St
- Others as needed
- Repair/Replace Waterlines
- Pave Streets
- Repair & Expand Skatepark
- Solve Tennis/Pickleball Court Issue
- Begin Low-cost Workforce Housing Initiative
- Aggressively Seek Project Grants
- Monitor Project Progress
Issue: Poor Board-Staff Relationship
Answer: Consistent, Good Governance:
- Hire Top-notch Administrator
- Solve Problems
- Institute Governance Plan
- Monitor Fiscal Health
- Prioritize Budgeting
- Establish Capital Management Plan (Future Cost Profiles)
- Monitor Town Administrator
- Objective, Factual, Comparative
- Monitor Utility Rates Against Usage & Plant Expenditures
- Improve Website
- Financial & Activity Dashboards
Issue: Myopic Vision
Answer: Hear & See Cedaredge Citizens’ Visio
- Update the ancient (2017) Master Plan
- Establish Recreation Master Plan
- Hold Strategic Planning Sessions
- Fulfill Our Public’s Mandate
- Tie Master Plans’ “ENDS” to Governance Plan & Budgeting
- Review Vision Elements At Each Board Meeting
- Consider Precincts
- Initiate Constituent Input/Consent Process