This website page is presented by a private citizen, and has no relationship to any official office or position. The data presented by these dashboards are strictly to provide general knowledge regarding the dashboard subject matter. Although some data comes from reports that are typically not posted openly on the Town of Cedaredge website, they are nonetheless public information. Much of the data are sourced from the Document Center of the Town of Cedaredge website. Regardless, the dashboards do not represent a formal legal opinion regarding any of the subject matter topics presented and should not be relied upon as such.

The clickable buttons below link to data dashboards.

The next two buttons open fiscal health dashboards that are static.

The next set of buttons are again dynamic reports on Town water operations. Plus there is a link to the National Water and Climate Center Dashboard useful to see water content of the snowpack that feeds Park Reservoir.

Next is a button for Town Wastewater operations.

When finished, just click your browser’s back arrow.

The buttons below will open data dashboards. They are grouped into consistent relationship sets.

If you want to return to the unfiltered data, click the pink RESET button.

The first four buttons cover various financial reports. These reports are dynamic. When you open one, you will be able to use the provided controls to pivot through the reports in order to view the data from different perspectives.

The next two buttons open fiscal health dashboards that are static.

The Next buttons open the Town’s Waterworks dashboards. There is also a link to the National Water & Climate Center Dashboard that will provide information on the current water content of the snowpack that feeds Park Reservoir.

The next button open the Town’s Wastewater (Sewer) dashboards.